Fine Policy
The Board of Managers of the Central Square Villas Condominium is empowered to govern the affairs of the Condominium Association pursuant to Article III of the Bylaws. For health, safety, welfare and comfort and convenience of all residents the Board deems it necessary to establish a fine policy pursuant to Article XII, Section 7.08, Penalties and Fines of the Bylaws so that it may equitably and consistently enforce the governing documents. Violators of these rules, any rule of the BOM, the Bylaws, and/or Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions set forth in the Declaration may result in the matter being turned over to the CSV’s attorney for resolution. This is an addition to any other remedies available, including commencing civil action.
Therefore, the following fine and procedure policy is adopted by the Board:
Schedule of Fines | Cost |
Architectural Application Violation: (An application must be submitted and approved before any architectural improvements can be made. If the application is not submitted and approved prior to commencement of the work, fines can be imposed from the day work began, after the appropriate notice and hearing,) |
$100 per week |
Architectural Violation: | $25 – $100 per week |
Landscape Maintenance Violation: | $25 – $100 per week |
Front and Rear Yard Installation Violation: | $25 – $100 per week |
Maintenance of Animals: (including but not limited to: Registration, pet waste removal, leashing/supervision, noise disturbance, etc.) |
$25 per week |
Trash Cans: | $25 per week |
Quiet Enjoyment/Nuisance: | $25 per week |
The above list is not complete or comprehensive. All other violations not listed or specified above will result in reasonable fines up to $500.00 per week. The payment of any and all legal fees and costs incurred by the Association to enforce violations or collect fines shall be the responsibility of the homeowner.
Type of Violation | Procedure |
First Violation: | A verbal warning, either in person or by telephone from the BOM or Management Company followed by a courtesy letter citing the specific violation(s) and requesting correction of said violation (s). |
Second Violation: | A letter sent requesting the unit owner to appear at a hearing before the BOM to address the cited violation(s). The letter will identify the nature of the violation(s), date, time and location of the hearing. If the unit owner fails to appear at the hearing or provide written evidence on his/her behalf, a monetary penalty will then be imposed against the unit owner. The unit owner will be notified in writing of its decision. (See website for Due Process/Grievance Procedures) |
Continuing Violation: | The BOM may impose a continuing monetary penalty, assessed on a weekly basis, without additional notice or hearing, until the infraction or violation has been remedied. (A continuing violation is a violation of an ongoing nature which has not been corrected.) |
Repeat Violation: | Hearing Letter to unit owner. (A repeat violation occurs when a person violates the same provision of the CSV’s governing document more than once and has already been given the appropriate warnings and hearing. A repeated violation will result in an immediate doubling of fines.) |
There may be a repeat, continuing violation, in which case fines (which have been doubled) will be assessed on a weekly basis until the violation is corrected.
If fines are not paid, the Board may lien and foreclose on the Unit.
The Unit Owner will be responsible for any fees, postage or legal fees incurred in relation to the violation and subsequent enforcement procedures and they will be levied to the unit owner’s account.
Effective: November 1, 2023