Effective November 1, 2023
Central Square Villas is a private residential community overseen by a Homeowners Association (HOA) Board and is managed by R&D Property Management of WNY. The contents of this document are to provide new and existing owners and residents a brief summary of rules & regulations and procedures for the community but does not replace the official policy or the official By-Laws and Declaration/Offering Plan of Central Square Villas. For details, always refer to those documents. All Unit Owners, their family and guests are to abide by the CSV By-Laws, Declaration & Offering Plans, and Community Rule and Regulations. Failure to abide by these rules can result in an assessment of fines.
The By-Laws, Declaration/Offering Plan, subsequent Amendments, Primary Rules & Regulations and Supplemental Rules & Regulations were provided at the time you purchased your Unit. They can be found, along with forms and additional policies on our website:

- The Units in the Community shall be used for residential purposes only.
- Per Amendment filed May 17, 2018, no leasing of any Unit is allowed in the Community.
- Unit owners are responsible for any damage caused by the owner, family members, or guests on any CSV property including but not limited to the exterior of your unit and neighboring property.
- COMMERCIAL & PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY ON THE PROPERTY No Garage Sales, Lawn Sales, wholesale, retail, or any other business of any kind shall be conducted in or on any Unit, common area, or other portion of the Community.
- Per the By-Laws (Sec 7.04-a) No signs or other advertising devices of any nature shall be placed for display to the public view on any Unit or limited common area or any portion of the Community including rights-of-way. Signs of any nature are not permitted. The only exception to this rule is a “For Sale” sign promoting the sale of a Unit and it should be displayed inside a window or storm door.
- Flags – No political, social statement, or offensive flags are allowed.
- Per the By-Laws (Sec 7.04 – b) Animals, Birds, and Insects – Except for one (1) dog, one (1) house cat, fish, or birds in a cage, no animals shall be kept or maintained by any Unit or on any limited common area or other portion of the Community.
- Any Unit owner who had more than the allowed one (1) dog or one (1) house cat as of September 1, 2019 was grandfathered in for those existing pets. Once you no longer own a grandfathered pet, the Unit owner is subject to the original pet limitation rules (1 dog, 1 house cat).
- Existing and new Unit owners are required to complete a Pet Registration form for each pet in their possession and file it with the Property Management Company. If you have a change in the pets you own, please contact the Property Management Company to update your information. All dogs and cats (if applicable) must be registered with The Town of Lancaster and should be current on all required vaccinations.
- No animal shall be permitted to run loose or be chained and unsupervised on Community property. Owners and/or occupants must accompany and supervise their pets and have their pets leashed at all times when outside in the Community.
- Pet waste – It is your responsibility to pick up after your pets and dispose of their waste at your unit and when walking your pet. DO NOT walk away when your pet does his duty without picking up after your pet. DO NOT assume someone else will pick up after your pet. Also note, the lawn cutting service will not cut your grass if your pet’s waste is not picked up.
- BIRDFEEDERS No birdfeeders of any type are allowed in CSV community. Seeds dropped from the feeders attracts rats, mice, voles, and other nuisance animals. This is in compliance with Erie County Health Department recommendations.
- Our community’s current Trash & Recycling pick up day is Tuesday. Trash is picked up weekly, recycling is picked up every other week and bulk trash is picked up on the second full week of the month. Check the Town of Lancaster website for the holiday schedule.
- All garbage/trash and recycling is to be placed in the respective containers/totes assigned to your address and placed outdoors no earlier than 6pm on the day before scheduled trash pick-up. (Currently this would be Monday evening). All trash must fit into the containers or the Trash Company reserves the right to not pick up your trash. All cardboard to be recycled should be broken down to fit into the container. See the Town of Lancaster website for details for excess trash.
- In order for the truck to easily empty your containers, place the trash/recycling containers at the end of your driveway with the wheels facing your residence. Containers should be off to the side of your driveway and on recycling days, containers should be spaced 3 – 4 feet apart.
- All trash/recycling containers should be stored in your garage. They are not to be kept outside by the garage, driveway, patio, or porch.
- See the Town of Lancaster website and the garbage policy for additional information.
- OFFENSIVE ACTIVITIES No offensive or noxious activities are permitted on CSV property and common areas that may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to any other unit owner. Please be considerate of your neighbors and their enjoyment of their property and of Community property.
- COMMERCIAL, OVERSIZED AND UNLICENSED VEHICLES Unless used in conjunction with the maintenance of the Community property or consented by the Board of Managers, the following shall not be permitted to remain overnight on the Community property: commercial vehicles weighing over 2 tons, and any unlicensed vehicle.
- SNOWMOBILES & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES No snowmobiles, motorbikes or similar motor vehicles shall be operated on any portion of the Community property.
- Outside storage or parking of commercial or recreational vehicles, campers, boats, trailers or similar recreational vehicle is not allowed. Boats, campers, snowmobiles, motorbikes or similar recreational vehicles are allowed to be parked in your drives for up to 72 hours to clean, load, or unload.
- No extensive work on any motor vehicles, boats or other recreational vehicles, or other machines of any kind is permitted outdoors on any community property.
- No exterior changes, alterations, additions or modifications shall be made to the exterior of the Units or common areas without consent of the Board of Managers or any Architectural Committee. See the CSV website for the Architectural Change Request form.
- No fences, walls, swimming pools, hot tubs, playground equipment/swing sets, satellite dishes (except as otherwise permitted by law), storage sheds, outbuildings or any other structures of any kind are permitted in the Community. “Baby” pools no higher than 12 inches are allowed and must be emptied after by the end of the day and not left outside on the grass. Privacy panels at the rear of the Unit between Units are permitted at unit owners cost and responsibility and can be no taller than 6 feet and no longer than 12 feet and approved by the BOM. A retractable awning or a canvas awning with pole mounting is permitted on the rear of the unit, must be of an approved Sunbrella brand fabric, and approved by the BOM. Temporary weather protection for generators, HVAC units, plants, etc. are allowed for the season only with BOM approval. See the CSV Supplemental Rules & Regulations for additional details.
- Clotheslines or outdoor drying or airing of clothing or bedding is not permitted within the Community.
- Television and Radio Antennas shall not be erected on any Unit or other portion of the Community property.
- No tents, bounce houses or similar equipment is allowed on any property in the Community.
The residents of CSV own the pool through the Homeowners Association. The pool is considered a public pool subject to State, County and Town regulations and mandates. The pool rules are posted within the pool area and must be adhered to for the safety of everyone. The pool is open on or about Memorial Day to on or about Labor Day from 9am to 9pm or dusk – which every come first.
Unit owners and current residents are allowed to bring 3 guests per Unit to use the pool. Due to the size of our community and limited capacity in the pool and surrounding pool area, please be mindful of other owners that may want to use the pool. Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult responsible for their safety and behavior.
One (1) key fob is issued to each unit which allows access to the clubhouse and pool area. All activity requiring the use of the key fob is electronically monitored. Key fobs are not to be shared. Do not open the pool gate for anyone else. They should use their own key fob. Lost key fobs should be reported to the Property Management Company and arrangements will be made for a replacement. There is a $25 replacement fee. There is no lifeguard on duty. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. For safety, it is strongly recommended that you never swim alone. In case of emergencies, there is an emergency phone, preset to dial 911, located in the patio area of the clubhouse.
No glass or alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pool area at any time. No food or drink is allowed in the pool. All refuse is to be removed from the pool area and disposed of at your own residence.No diving, rough housing, aggressive splashing, unnecessary noise, or smoking is permitted in the pool and surrounding pool area.
Violation of the pool rules can result in fines and possible suspension of pool access and use of your fob. For further rules and information, see signs posted at the pool and on the CSV website pool regulations.
Although the HOA maintains all common area landscaping, the unit owner shall keep and maintain all portions of that unit’s property in a neat, orderly, and well-kept manner. The landscaping contract includes weekly grass cutting & trimming, monthly front and common area garden bed weeding, and 2 seasonal shrub trimmings. The HOA also provides for seasonal weed & feed program. Any back yard garden bed installed by a unit owner is the responsibility of the unit owner.
At the Board of Managers discretion, mulch may be provided to all common areas excluding individual garden beds in front of each Unit. Mulch is not provided for garden beds in front of the Units or any owner installed planting beds in the rear of the units. Mulching of the front garden beds and along sidewalks is optional and at the Unit Owners discretion and at their cost. Approved mulch material includes black or dark brown mulch and decorative stone. Unit owners may plant annual, perennial and shrubs in their garden beds. They may add additional trees in backyard common areas subject to approval from the Board of Managers. Maintenance of these plantings is the Unit owner’s responsibility.Please help to maintain the beauty of the community by watering and nurturing the plants and trees on your property, especially when they are newly planted. The HOA will be responsible to remove dead trees and shrubs originally installed by the Sponsor or the HOA. But they will not be replaced if the planting warranty has expired. Replacement of trees and shrubs is the unit owner’s responsibility.
All community members are required to abide by all NYS and Town traffic laws. Please make note of and abide by the community wide 20mph speed limit and all stop signs. They have been posted for everyone’s safety. Lancaster Police Department does patrol our community and can issue tickets. In accordance with the Town of Lancaster Winter Parking Ban, overnight parking on CSV Community roads is not permitted between November 1st and April 15th of every year.
Residents and guests are required to be aware of fire hydrants and park the correct legal distance from any hydrant to allow access for emergency vehicles.
All vehicles are to be parked in your garage and driveway. In consideration of your neighbors and for the safety of all parties, do not park directly across the street from your neighbor’s driveway. Vehicles should not be parked in any manner, in the driveways or on the street, which blocks access of other unit owners. No parking on the lawn is permitted. Any damage to lawn areas due to vehicles parked there will be the owner’s responsibility to repair.
Visitor/Guest Parking Lots– CSV recognizes the need by a unit owner for temporary use of the Visitor parking areas. Additional parking is available in 70 outdoor parking spaces located on the private roadways for use by residents and guests as may be regulated by the Board of Managers of the Condominium. Effective July 27, 2023, the Guest Parking areas are no longer restricted to guests only and may be used by residents and guests on a as needed basis. You are encouraged to first use your garage and driveway for parking and with consideration of your neighbors when using these parking areas. These areas are not to be treated as permanent personal parking spaces. Contact the Property Management Company if you are having guests staying for an extended visit. Supply the make of vehicle, plate number and length of visit in order to avoid fines/tickets or possible towing of the vehicle.
Central Square Villa is a Condominium Association with a monthly common charge. Unit Owner’s essentially own 1/200th of all common areas within the community from the street, the sewers below ground, streetlights, water systems, pool, clubhouse and grasses. Policies have been established to maintain the integrity of our private community and to provide all unit owners with a comfortable and safe surrounding for everyone to enjoy all that Central Square Villas has to offer. Failure to adhere to rules and by-laws could result in fines. Please be considerate of the rules, policies and the CSV community.
Please see the Supplemental Rules and Regulations.
Contact the Property Management Company if you are having guests staying for an extended visit. Supply the make of vehicle, plate number and length of visit in order to avoid fines/tickets or possible towing of the vehicle.